To find out some green flags in relationships, you must be intentional in what you want to achieve in such relationship. There must be list of qualities you’re looking out for or considering. This is also an effective way to identify your soul mates
As you’re keen in Knowing the green flags, you still have to be conversant about the Red flags and look out for it too, as both are paramount in maintaining a healthy relationship.
People date for various reasons, and their reason will often determine their expectations. For those interested in flings, they may not consider it necessary reading the red flags or green flags as their purpose and their goals are short terms. While those who desire a serious commitment read so much meaning to things especially that which might signal a red or green flag.
When should you look out for green flags in relationships?
At the early stage of your union.
One of the worst mistakes to make when accepting to date someone or be in a relationship with them is to assume that you have to spend more time with them before observing certain things about them.
This is a wrong approach . Spending more time with them before getting to know their intentions will only make you become engulfed with your emotions.
You must have fallen in love at that time, and then backing off suddenly will be one of the hardest decision.
The best way to tackle this and to avoid such pitfalls is to pay attention to the early signs to know if what they possess fit into the qualities you crave for or desire in a spec.
As soon as the relationship is Defined.
There are several Reasons why relationship needs to be defined, one of such reasons is to be certain of their intentions and energy level and be sure it matches with yours.
Many have this regret of being in a relationship with someone who isn’t really dating them. They misinterpret some actions as “love” and when they eventually found that it isn’t, they get hurt and heart broken.
On other to avoid this ugly scenario, it is advise able to define a relationship,and then look out for green flags.
The first step is to be certain that you’re in a relationship, and the second step is to be sure it can really work out with you too.

Green flags in relationships to look out for.
Loyalty is one of the admirable qualities in an ideal partner. In this Era where cheating, lies and deceit are prevalent, there’s nothing as awesome as having a partner who respects you and deems it fit to stay faithful to you.
It is a sign of genuine and sincere feelings. People who cheat on their partners are neither in love nor ready for commitment.
One of the significant green flags in relationships is respect. You can’t talk about love without considering respect. Both goes hand in hand.
Unfortunately, people are so engulfed with feelings, that they pay less attention to this important sign. That someone is in love with you is not guarantee that they will respect you, Being in love with someone is one thing, respecting them is another.
No matter the declaration of love, be observant on how they treat you, be observant on the kinds of words they use on you. All these little gestures really matters and determines the nature of your relationship.
When choosing a partner, especially a life time partner, commitment is one of the major feature to look out for. Commitment can emerge in different aspects, ranging from time, resources and welfare.
Are they creating time out of their busy schedules to be with you? Are they ready to invest financially in your life when the need arises for the betterment of your future?
Are they ready to compromise certain areas of their life that might obstruct the healthy flow of your relationship? Are they ready to be loyal to you irrespective of the kind of admiration they get from other members of the opposite sex?
These and more are one of the green flags in relationships,and when you observe them, it is a clear indication that your relationship will thrive beyond expectation.
willingness to grow together.
This is another important sign to look out for in a relationship. For a relationship to thrive well, the interest and goals ought to be mutual.
If they are ready to be with you through thick and thin, if they are ready to build their future with you, notwithstanding your financial status, it is an obvious green lights.
A partner who wants to be with you will never at any point abandon you especially at the point when you need them most.
The best time to ascertain a true relationship is when things ain’t rossy. If they can’t be with you at that trying moment,then they never loved you. The desire to grow and build together ought to be mutual.
Trust is a very significant sign for a healthy relationship.
The success of a relationship begins when there is an assurance by both parties that the relationship will work. Two can never work together except they’re in agreement.
When one partner is always suspicious of the other, they won’t believe that they can both work things out. Trust is very vital in sustaining a healthy relationship. Imagine being with a partner who never take your word, imagine being with a partner who’s so insecure to the point of monitoring you’re movement every now and then or confronting your colleagues of other genders because he/she assumes that you’re floriking with them.
Respecting boundaries.
These includes giving each other space when necessary. Emotional attachment in a romantic relationship is normal and somewhat necessary.
However, these attachment shouldn’t evolve beyond one’s control to the point of choking the other. Relationships are great when partners respect each other’s boundaries by giving each other space when necessary.
There are times specifically meant for couple’s chat, and there a times when it is considered odd to call or chat your partner. One of such time is during their busy hour @work. Having a partner who emotionally blackmails you or tries to gaslight you for not picking their call when they know you’re probably with a client, is a huge red flag you need to get rid of. This is where trust is maximumly needed.
mutual energy and vibes.
One of the best relationship is that which is built with mutual interest. you “ll discover that the effort to invest in such relationship is mutual.
The excitement flows within. You’re more like friends with a genuine mind of loving each other unconditionally and doing things for each other without aiming for your own selfish benefits. On a norm, this is a typical way an ideal relationship ought to be. A typical case of mutualism, where both benefit from each other and not parasitism where one benefits with the intention of hurting the other.
Readiness to defend you .
One of the significant green flags in relationships is having a partner who can always defend you and speak good of you both in your presence and your absence. This is because they are proud of you. Even when their friends, relatives or family members tries to talk down on you or ridicule you, they’re always prompt in taking your sides. If there’s any need to correct your flwas, they do that in a loving and respectful way, and not in a humiliating manner.
carrying you along in whatever they do.
You can’t talk about green flags in a relationship without mentioning transperency. You don’t have to wait till marriage to determine the kind of partner you want to spend your life time with. Any partner who keeps sensitive secret in a relationship is a red flag. If they see you as part of their future, they won’t hide certain information from you because obviously, you will definitely find out sometime in the future. Being a part of your future entails being open to you at all times.
Understanding is one of the significant factors and green flags in relationships. Always fighting and arguing over thrival issues which can be settled amicable is a sign of incompatibility. When a relationship is healthy and meant to be, there won’t be reasons for unnecessary daily fights, not because both are perfect, but because both understands each other’s personalities. Certain things will be overlooked in other to embrace peace and tranquility.
Being part of each other’s life.
Green flags in relationships include being part of each other’s life. How is that possible? Having this natural desire to assist each other, having the desire to be involved in their personal affairs, which may include their goals, ambitions, challenges.
Unfortunately, some relationships are only bounded by intimacy. Exonerate intimacy, there won’t be any other exciting factor or euphoria that will trigger the desire to continue. This is why being part of each other’s life and involving yourselves in each other’s future remains a great green flags.