A woman is not ready for marriage. How possible is that? I know you’re pondering about that, considering the fact that women are often obsessed with marriage more than their male counterparts. The society and biological nature of women made it so.
At a certain age, a woman is expected to have either began conception or stopped as the biological clock is tickling so fast. The stereotype that women are more obsessed with marriage have become obvious, hence the pressures from both the society, friends and family members.
That notwithstanding, there are still some women probably in their prime who may be ready for marriage and desires to get married, but then are restrained by so many factors. Such factors can either be influenced by intention s or trait.
what do I mean by factors influenced by intentions?
There are women who might be ready for marriage, but then still want to flirt around for their own selfish interest. They don’t want to commit to one, neither do they desire to be in a serious relationship.
Their only intention is to play around, and unfortunately, a lot of serious men fall prey to their deceitful intentions.
A pathetic situation of planning of being together with someone who just want to play with your emotions.
Factors influenced by Trait.
This is a situation whereby a woman may be physically ready for marriage, based on age factor, but psychologically and emotionally unready.
This implies that she might need to work on her self in certain aspects in other to be fully ready.
Most times, such women may not realize that they are unready for marriage, they desperately want to tie the knot but haven’t deemed it fit to embrace self development.
On the other hand, men who want them may not realize that they don’t fit into their spec , as they presumed though might look attractive, until it becomes too late. These are the type of marriage that never lasts. Men who wants a serious relationship will definitely be at the receiving end if they try to mingle with such women.
This is why they have to be keen in detecting some signs showing that a woman is not ready for marriage.
Signs that a woman is not ready for marriage.

She is materialistic.
Giving is love and care, one of the characteristics that shows that a man is ready for commitment is his generosity.
Men are natural providers, they are created to take responsibilities and this include taking care of the woman they love. One of the love language men often use to entice their women is Giving. however, they love it more when it is done willingly without being compelled or pressurized to. Being too materialistic is a sign that a woman is not ready for commitment.
A woman who desires a future with a man wouldn’t love to see him waste his money on miscellaneous expenses.as much as he wants to be taken care of, he still want his man to save for the future because hers is included too.
The future is for both. On the contrary, a materialistic woman doesn’t care about the future because she sees none with you. She’s just coming to rip you off and move over to the next victim. This is a very remarkable sign.
She doesn’t plan ahead.
One of the signs that a woman is not ready for marriage is the self centeredness and greed. It’s all about her needs and wants. Whatever that will make her comfortable and happy without considering about your own happiness.
She wants you to make certain sacrifices, she wants you to go extra mile, without considering how convenient or inconvenient it might be for you. Such women often take the advantage of the feelings you have for them. They use that as a weapon to Emotionally manipulate you.
she hates any discussion about the future.
Does your woman love being with you, going out on dates with you, doing everything mutual with you? but then detest and shy away from any discussion that have to do with your future together, then this is a huge sign.
Naturally, women are excited to discuss about a future with the man they love and wish to spend the rest of their lives with. If they’ve been in a relationship for quite some time, they will desire to be engaged. Serious and committed women often ask for a definition of any relationship they delve into. Having a relationship defined is one of their criteria of getting more serious and committed.
Questions like “what are we?” and what are we actually doing often surface from time time, this is because they don’t want to waste their time unnecessarily.
When a woman you’re dating feels reluctant about bringing the future discussion or even deviate from the discussion, this is a sign to consider indicating that she is not ready for the journey with you.
she double dates.
This is another subtle sign that a woman is not ready for marriage, most women believe in the quote that one shouldn’t put all their eggs in one basket.
Sometimes this quote is usually triggered by their past hurtful experience.
No matter the reason for this decision, you can be certain that women with such mentality will never show commitment in any relationship.
Because they’re using trial and error method. Other reason that could trigger such mentality is when a woman introduces comparison into a relationship. She wants to know a better partner, a partner who probably have more resources than the other.
This particular reason is just for her own selfish interest.
she keeps secret a lot.
Keeping secrets might seem like the best way of hiding certain informations especially sensitive ones that may ruin a relationship. But then for how long will you keep hiding such information? If the relationship is meant to lead to a lasting union . At a point, disclosing such information becomes necessary because your partner will definitely find out some day. And it will be a worse scenario when they find out that you’ve been lying to them.
That’s why people who wants to spend forever with their partner will quickly disclose such information before marriage to avoid being caught unawares.
While the ones who ain’t interested won’t find it wrong hiding it until they are exhausted in relationship, after they must have probably gotten what they want.
she isn’t willing to change.
A woman may be ready for marriage, but her character or trait might say otherwise. In that case, you can say that her unreadiness to marriage is due to factor influenced by Trait. Just like is usually said “change is the only constant thing in life”.
Everyone has the ability to work on their character and change for the better.
Now when a woman is willing to change certain character that puts you off in a relationship with her, it is a clear sign that she wants you in her future. She truly loves you and doesn’t want to loose you.
This alone indicates her readiness. But when reverse is the case, and she seems not to care, it could be a subtle signs that she’s not interested in marriage.
She has lots of male friends.
A woman who is not ready for marriage will probably have a lot of male friends surrounding her. Most times, this poses as a source of distraction in the sense that it will be difficult to set boundaries.
They may claim that they have nothing going on with those friends, but then, their partner might have other interpretation of such behaviours.
I have this notion that a woman who’s ready for marriage will respect her partner’s feelings and be willing to set boundaries to avoid inducing insecure feelings in her partner’s heart.
She hardly communicates.
A woman is not ready for marriage if she hardly communicate except when she needs a favor from you. effective communication is one of the ways to keep a relationship healthy .
When a woman is ready for commitment, she shows it through her communication skills. She will desire to speak with you every now and then, she returns your call amids her busy schedules.
She doesn’t just reciprocate your calls and chats but also initiates one every now and then.
She often reach out just to say “hi”. In doing this, bonds are automatically created signaling a hope for the future.
But when reverse is the case, she gives flimsy excuse, and would always claim too busy to reach out and too busy to return calls .
she keeps your relationship secret.
You can easily tell that a woman is not ready for marriage if she keeps your relationship secret in other not to ruin the chances of being wooed by other men who might have caught her fantasy.
Note: that there’s a difference between keeping a relationship private and keeping it secret.
Relationships are kept private for privacy and security purposes, while secret relationship involves hiding a relationship either because you’re not proud of your partner or have a skeleton in your cupboard.