Who is going to win the 2024 presidential election?
I was curious about how people are navigating this election within their social circles — whether they’re openly discussing it, sharing their values and beliefs, or choosing to keep them private.
First and foremost, thank you to everyone who voted and shared their beliefs and perspectives with me. Your honesty is appreciated and I am deeply grateful that I have your trust.
The following polls and responses are directly from our Instagram community. Unfortunately, I am unable to see where these votes are coming from. The only information I have access to in terms of overall audience demographics is this: New York, San Diego, and Los Angeles are where the majority of my followers are based.
Who are you voting for?
Based on 1,680 people that voted.
Have you unfollowed or muted someone because of their election posts?
Based on 840+ people that voted.
The majority of people who voted have either unfollowed, muted someone on social media or thought about doing so.
In a time when “cancel culture” is still prevalent, many are quick to silence or distance themselves from opposing views, rather than engaging with them. While curating our feeds can make us feel more comfortable, it risks creating echo chambers that shield us from different perspectives, ultimately limiting our understanding of complex issues. Listening to all sides, even those we disagree with, is crucial for building a more informed and resilient self and society.
What is your primary news source for election information?
Based on 560+ people that voted.
The data shows that social media is the most influential source for election information, with 48% of votes, followed by traditional media at 39%. Who needs policy briefs when you have memes?! It’s been fascinating (pure entertainment) to see candidates leverage world-famous musicians, podcasts, and social media influencers to reach the masses… what a time to be alive.
How would you rate the media’s handling of this election?
Based on 700+ people that voted.
I believe it’s essential for people to seek out perspectives from all sides — listening to diverse news sources, taking the time to review candidates policies, and digging into various viewpoints. This helps ensure that we’re not just equipped with opinions, memes, or clipped sound bites, but with real knowledge rooted in facts, policies, and unbiased information. Only then can we form well-rounded views and make informed decisions.
Would you share your voting choice with your friends?
Based on 700+ people that voted.
Follow up question: If you voted “no”, why?
Here are a few of those responses:
“Found many to be judgemental. save it for immediate family discussions.”
“It’s not fun being judged for your choices! Especially when they hate one of them so much.”
“3 things you don’t talk about: politics, religion, money.”
“Who I vote for is none of their business. I don’t even tell my family who I voted for. If I’m not going to tell my family, why would I tell my coworkers or friends?”
“Because a majority of my friends are voting opposite and that would 100% end our friendship.”
“My family would disown me.”
“Some people have preconceived ideas about what kind of person you are.”
I would love to hear your thoughts on this data and this election in general. Please utilize the “comment” button below to share your thoughts.
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