How can I make a man propose? how can I get my long term boyfriend to engage me?
The question sounds weird right? More like trying to force someone do what they never intend to go. Or cajoling them to go against their will in other to satisfy you.
Nevertheless, this is not the purpose of this post, in as much as it is important to get your long term boyfriend propose to you, it is equally necessary to note that love, relationship and marriage should be based on mutual interest and self decision and not under subjugation.
In otherwise, “making a man propose in this context actually means understanding the things you should do and things you shouldn’t do in other to trigger his interest towards putting a ring on that finger . It’s not just to get a man propose, but equally make him act fast in sealing the union officially.
Proposing does not officially signal marriage. Many women had been a victim of Long engagement which later ended up with disappointment.
The aim of this article is to stir up a man’s interest to propose and get married to you afterwards which is the dream of every woman within the marriageable age.
Commitment among men is becoming so rare these days, as handful of them have commitment phobia due to several reasons, such as, lack of interest, and intentions to play games without having strings attached. This is why you must be intentional in knowing how to make a man propose in other not to fall victims in the hands of a commitment phobic men..
Related Articles. 6 signs he is scared of commitment.
How to make a man propose. Things you should do.
Know your place in his life.
You can’t actually reach a mutual goal. with someone without having the same intentions and ambitions as they are.
Hence the popular quote, two can never work together except they’re in agreement. When relating with someone of the opposite sex, you should be able to tell the difference between a date, casual friendship, friends with benefits and courtship. In other words, the relationship needs to be defined.
Don’t assume things from your instinct or conclude with the way they treat you. Some people are naturally nice, their act of generosity may have nothing to do with desiring to spend the rest of their lives with you.
Men are more logical, and as a result may exhibit some characters without including emotions to it. Or even if they have to fall in love, it usually takes some time.
Fantasizing about marriage in this case may be at the detriment of your sanity. Intimacy does not trigger men’s desire to get married. The fact that you’ve been making out with him doesn’t guarantee marriage, what actually does is his intentions towards you.
You must first ascertain your place in his life, what does he take you for? His woman? His butty call? Or just a female colleague/friends. You may not need to ask him verbally, but if you pay attention to his attitude towards you, it will be quite easy to detect your place in his life.
Have a real and transparent personality.
“Be real about you”. Who desires to stay will stay and who wants to leave will definitely do. It is quite easy to attract a man’s attention by pretending to be homely and virtuous, but for how long will you keep on pretending?
The real character will surface one day, and that may signal the end.
Many women had make this mistake of trying to fake their personality just to get a man propose, such act is usually bored out of desperation, and unfortunately, some responsible men are beginning to detect such fake life style.
No man would love to be lured into marriage by someone who pretends a lot.
Hence they are usually sensitive with women who acts so perfect and flawless at the initial stage of a relationship.
Have an open discussion with him.
In other to make a man propose, communication should be a necessity.
You don’t have to bring up marriage discussion directly to him, as that may give him the wrong impression that you’re desperate.
However, your discussions with him should be centered on moving the relationship forward, occasionally bringing up issues that have to do with your future together will make him realize your purpose of being with him.
Be submissive.
A man’s primary language is Respect and submission, these two virtues can even make the most heart hardened men or virtual players to have interest in marriage.
Men build up their Ego’s and masculinity when they realize how much they are valued and respected by their loved ones. You can’t get a man to propose with rudeness, no matter how much he claims to love you. Your beauty will attract him, but what keeps him is your ability to boost his EGO with your submissive nature.
Be supportive.
To make a man propose, you must show your willingness to support him. Marriage isn’t based on love and emotions only. Sometimes, Love is not just enough, marriage only thrives better when both are willing to support each other through thick and thin. During relationships, dating or courtship, men are often sensitive and keen in observing women’s character in other to ascertain their compatibility in marriage.
And being supportive is one of those characters they don’t joke with, these days, nobody wants a liability, but an asset, there’s this excitement that comes with knowing that you have some you can confide in during your down and challenging moments.
A man may not necessarily promise you marriage, but once he observes that you are the supportive type,he won’t hesitate to take the relationship to the next level.
Build your value and demur-
Sometimes, you may not need to do much to get a man to propose, aside working on your self and building your confidence.
When a man sees a unique quality in you, he will find you irresistible and when he discovers that he has other rivals struggling for your attention, he will act so hastily so as not to loose you to them. Classic women with so much values are well sought for, they don’t look for men, but rather attract men of diverse calibers with their qualities and demur.
Be patient.
There are men who might be intentional about their relationship and taking things to the next level, however, they may be restricted by some factors such as finances, career pursuit and dream actualization. Most have great pictures on what they want their home to be like, but are incapable of achieving this dream yet as a result of circumstances beyond their control. all they need is patience and understanding, especially when it is apparent that they are showing commitments in the relationship.

Things you shouldn’t do in other to make a man propose.
Don’t pressure him.
Men view marriage in a different perspective compared with women. A woman may feel excited about getting married, but men don’t just feel excited about it, but anxious and skeptical because of the roles they play when it comes to family. To a man, marriage is more about responsibility than excitement.
This is why they don’t rush into it without adequate preparation. In other words, mounting pressures on a man to marry you will scare him more, which may lead to his emotional withdrawal from you.
Men love leading, they love making decision by themselves especially sensitive ones because they’re logical than emotional. Pressuring him will make him run farther.
Don’t give him ultimatum.
A man won’t propose to you just because you gave him an ultimatum to do such else you will accept other suitors. Such conditions will only scare him further and make him become hesitant towards doing the needful.
Giving a man ultimatum is a manipulative trait, and no man would love to be manipulated. Trying to make him jealous by informing him about other suitors wouldn’t change anything either, especially if he isn’t ready for that yet.
Don’t cohabit with him.
One of the don’t you must avoid in other to make a man propose is cohabitation. This attitude of cohabiting with a man and performing wife roles in other to lure him into marriage has bred a lot of single mothers.
Don’t assume that a man will certainly marry you just because you make his meal, do his laundry, clean his house and make love to him on regular basis. All these will only make you appear desperate and cheap in his eyes.
Men love it more when they know they can’t easily have your attention. They respect you when they observe that you ain’t too desperate to be given the title “miss”. They will pursue you more on realizing that you ain’t obsessed with marriage. Biblically, it is he “who finds a wife, and not she who struggles to get a husband. When you’re displaying your desperation to get married, you’re giving him the impression that you ain’t worth it. Hence, he will see that as a favor he’s offering to you, and won’t hesitate to mock you with that on every slightest provocation.
More so, you need to avoid familiarity in relationships as it breeds contempt. What else would a man anticipate for, when you’ve given him all the spice meant for marriage,even before the marriage? Absolutely nothing!!! You’ve taken away the thrill and fun and so he won’t be triggered to do the necessary things in other to legalize the union.