September 10, 2024
French Bulldogs, affectionately known as “Frenchies,” have captured the hearts of dog lovers worldwide. Their compact size, bat-like ears, and affectionate...
Will you often settle to be with someone just to be in a partnership? If this sounds a little bit like you, today’s topic is something you should delve into. When you’re feeling discontentment...
Practically speaking, it is not possible to grumble and glorify God in the same breath. If we set our minds to cultivating gratitude in our marriages, it will chase out the grumbling.During a particularly...
Does pet allergy make it difficult for you to own a pet? Why not keep a fish? A pet fish is a better choice for people with less time to care for other types of pets....
Your mood is something that affects your happiness and satisfaction in life and your ability to work effectively each day. Notice how you are feeling each day, and if you are in a bad...
Your time is scarce. You have goals to reach. Yet, carving out moments to intentionally develop people seems like a luxury. Our facilitators hear these concerns every time we introduce the concept...
Contrary to popular belief, there are many types of intimacy in marriage. Intimacy is often equated with physical closeness, but in a marriage, intimacy encompasses much more than just the physical aspect. True intimacy...