
Need to Knwo

Taking Care of Your Emotional Support Animal in Summer

June 26, 2024 At last, summer is on its way! Dog and in general, pet or animal lovers everywhere will be enjoying the outdoors...

Medical Assist Service Dogs: A Comprehensive Guide

April 4, 2024 5 min read Service dogs play an invaluable role in the lives of many individuals, offering not just companionship but also...

Common Dog Behavior You Should Know About

  Behavior is a way one acts or carries themselves out. Also, dogs have different behavior, some of which will be innate while others will...

Community Polls: 2024 Presidential Election

Who is going to win the 2024 presidential election?I was curious about how people are navigating this election within their social circles — whether...

Continuing Your Service Dog Training Education

Continuing Your Service Dog Training Education As a Service Dog handler, you know better than anyone how important dog training is. For any dog, the...

Must Know

All You Need

When Simple Becomes Profound

While walking my dog the other day, I took a deep breath of fresh air and filled my lungs. In that moment, my heart swelled with genuine gratitude, and I was struck with a...

The RIGHT Buttons to Push in Your Marriage — Dr. Jenn’s Den

I was just in Lyon, France, and one of Lyon’s points of pride is the vital role it played in the resistance movement against the Nazis in WWII. And one of the...

Successful Leaders Balance Personality Strengths — Thrive Leadership

Carmen, a successful biotech executive who led with Enneagram Type 3, shared the benefits of her growing self-awareness. “Through learning the Enneagram, I’ve started to see how my need to achieve impacted...

Help! I Gave My Kid a Phone Without Rules. – Jessica Speer

Recently, a parent asked me this question: “I gave my kid a cell phone without establishing rules first. It’s not going well. She is glued to her phone night and day. Is it too...

Why Are Soulmate Relationships So Intense?

Why are soulmate relationships so intense? It depends on what you mean by a soulmate relationship. If a soulmate is your other half that you’re destined to meet then you can waste a lot...

Dealing with Narcissistic Family Members at the Holidays and Beyond

As Christians, we often forget the differences between healing and reconciliation, especially when dealing with a narcissistic family member. This presents a particular problem during the fall and winter holiday seasons—particularly Thanksgiving and Christmas...

RugCheck: How To Avoid Token Rugpull Scams

A rugcheck is a process used to assess the legitimacy and safety of crypto tokens, aiming to identify potential scams known as “rug pulls”. Rug pulls are a pervasive threat in the cryptocurrency landscape,...