
Need to Knwo

Dog Adoptions and Weddings Are The Same (Ven Diagram)

Weddings and dog adoptions are essentially the same. If you don’t believe us, let’s prove it below. Don’t be a “runaway” bride; run right...

Can a Cat Be My Emotional Support Animal?

Felines are notorious for their independent personalities, so you may wonder, “Can a cat be my emotional support animal?” The answer is a resounding,...

Making Your Dog Your Emotional Support Animal

These days, it’s more and more common to hear about people making their pet an Emotional Support Animal or Service Dog.Let’s get one thing...

Common Dog Behavior You Should Know About

  Behavior is a way one acts or carries themselves out. Also, dogs have different behavior, some of which will be innate while others will...

Community Polls: 2024 Presidential Election

Who is going to win the 2024 presidential election?I was curious about how people are navigating this election within their social circles — whether...

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A Personal Journey through India’s Tranquil Mountain Paradise – Life Messes or People Messes

Hello Everyone, As I set out on my journey to Himachal Pradesh, a sense of wonder and anticipation filled my heart. This enchanting Indian state, nestled in the lap of the Himalayas, is a sanctuary...

Raise Your Emotional Intelligence — Thrive Leadership

In organizations, effective leaders also must remain flexible. This doesn’t mean winging it; it means being receptive to having core beliefs challenged and remaining open to new ways of doing things.For example,...

ESA Letter: Stop Paying Pet Fees

What is an ESA letter?An ESA letter, also known as an Emotional Support Animal prescription or recommendation letter, is a document issued by a licensed mental health professional that verifies the individual’s need for...

180+ men and women share their worst sex stories — THE LIAISON

Brace yourselves. New fears will be unlocked, chuckles will be had, and hopefully, less judgment will be given. Sex is one of the most intriguing yet uncomfortable topics. These topics are hidden...

Bachelor Bungalows

Eligible Bachelor Bungalows for Shy and Bold AlikeI went on a deep dive recently to find the perfect bachelor pad for my fictional bachelors in two of my manuscripts. I wanted realistic bungalows for them and...

Banish Your Burnout! How to Create a Culture of Sustainability — Blog — Amanda Silver

Alex was fried. She had been working 65+-hour work weeks for close to a year without much of a break. She knew that she needed one, but the thought of taking a...

How to Help Students Apply SEL to Their Real Life

Social-emotional learning (SEL) teaches the key attitudes and skills necessary for understanding and managing emotions, listening, feeling and showing empathy for others, and making thoughtful, responsible decisions. For five years, I was an educator...