
Need to Knwo

Are ESA Dogs Banned on Airplanes

You might have heard that ESA dogs are banned on planes. Well, that’s clickbait, sort of. You can still take your ESA dog on a plane,...

Do guys care what a vagina looks like? — THE LIAISON

Unattainable beauty standards, photoshop/ filters and porn has put an insane amount of societal pressure on women; specifically on their bodies. Enough pressure for...

100+ Shocking Anonymous Confessions — THE LIAISON

Everyone has a secret—whether it’s a small quirk, a past mistake, or a hidden desire... Recently, I opened up a space for my audience...

ESA Letter: Stop Paying Pet Fees

What is an ESA letter?An ESA letter, also known as an Emotional Support Animal prescription or recommendation letter, is a document issued by a...

Types of Service Dogs – USA Service Dogs

For many with a disability, a service dog has become essential for them to function every day. Service dogs can help those with various...

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3 Tips for Getting Along at the Holidays

If you’re like a lot of people, you have a lot of stress at the holidays. If so, you’re not alone! Whether you’re having big celebrations with a lot of people, limiting your gatherings to just...

Expert Advice on Clicker Training Your Cat

It’s a common myth that while we can train dogs to be obedient and do tricks, it’s cats who train us. Now, while there may be a grain of truth in that — my...

Research Shows A Simple Way to Increase Your Engagement at Work

This article was originally published on It is no secret that many employees face work environments that are not very engaging. A 2016 poll by the Gallup Organization shows that only 13% of employees...

10 reasons why you can’t get over a first love

To get over a first love can be quite challenging especially when expectation had been built. Just like every other thing in life, first attempt is usually an experimental stage.There are possibilities of not...

10 Ideas for Date Night This Holiday Season

Even though the holiday season is upon us and things are going to get busy, that doesn’t mean you and your spouse or the person you are dating should skip date nights. This time...

Guide Service Dogs: Navigating Life

April 4, 2024 Guide Service Dogs play a vital role in assisting individuals who are blind or visually impaired by guiding them through various environments, ensuring their safety and independence. In this guide, we...

Community Polls: 2024 Presidential Election

Who is going to win the 2024 presidential election?I was curious about how people are navigating this election within their social circles — whether they're openly discussing it, sharing their values and beliefs, or...