I have been married. I have been in a long-term serious relationship, as well have been on a few dates in between these relationships, but I am presently single.
I have a lot of qualities that would be considered Green Flags and acknowledge that there are some Red Flags too. I know I am not perfect, but I am sure that with some guidance I would be as close to perfect (as possible) for the right Lady.
Of the many qualities, some that a person will see are that I am: an introvert (thus I am quiet), thoughtful, kind, caring and nurturing. It is this last quality, nurturing, that has been at the centre of my relationships not working out.
In dating, I have focused on women that needed help, so that I could nurture them. I would focus on helping them but failed to see that I could not fix them. I could not save them or decide for them what to do with their life, or what direction their life should take.
It has been 12 years since I have been in a relationship or dated. As time passed, I realized that I did not know what I was looking for or have a clear view of how a relationship worked. So, I started to research relationships. My search took me all over the internet and introduced me to Female Led Relationship.
Most of the information on FLR was within the Kink world and some of it was titillating and eye opening. Although some of what I read interesting, ultimately it was not the type of relationship that I thought I could sustain for the rest of my life. My search continued and eventually, I learnt about “Loving Female Led Relationship”.
The difference between a Kink FLR and a Loving FLR are obvious. The Kink FLR is focused on sex and dominance and the man. A Loving FLR is focused on love, equality and the Lady. I see a Loving FLR as a relationship that would provide me with a strong Lady who knows what they want in life and is working towards achieving it. A lady that would love me and guide me to be better, to be the best that I can be.
Most importantly, a Loving FLR would give me a loving Lady to whom I can focus my attention on, in a positive way, and this attention would be appreciated. But this time a Lady that is not broken. A Lady who would be worthy of my nurturing nature. A Lady that I would love to support, to care for and thus help to be everything that she wants to be. A Lady that would be happy and content in her life and our relationship.
I am not delusional and think that there will not be some rough times, that everything will be roses and sunshine. But I do believe that if we are harmonious and working with a single goal in mind, we can make it through any hardships that come our way.
A Loving FLR, as I see it, is sustainable for a lifetime. It is a relationship build on being unselfish. A relationship where both partners work on making the relationship stronger as the partners focus on what is best for their partner. Where the partners help each other to be better by building them up. A partnership where open and honest communication is key to improving each other and thus the bond/relationship between them is improved, constantly.
I know that communication can be difficult, especially some topics but by having the courage to face these hard topics and for that matter all difficult situations, I will be a better, stronger person. Working through tough situations will make me more worthy of a strong Lady and a Loving FLR.
A Loving FLR is what I seek, as being able to focus on the person that deeply loves and cares for me and me seeing how my love and support helps them to achieve their greatness would give me the most joy and happiness.
To learn more about how to establish Loving Female Led Relationships at ANY age, sign up for our exclusive FLR Education Classes.